New tonight: Battle of the Blades, Men With Brooms on CBC

8:00 p.m. Battle of the Blades Results
Series I I – Eps 3 – The results of Canada’s vote are revealed, leaving the bottom two pairs to a skate-off. The judges decide who stays and who gets iced.

8:30 p.m. Men With Brooms
(Comedy) Men With Brooms picks up the ongoing story of Long Bay through the adventures and misadventures of four careworn young men brought together by a love of “ shuffleboard-on-ice.” Cast includes: Brendan Gall, William Vaughan, Joel Keller, Anand Rajaram, Aliyah O’Brien, Glenda Braganza, and Siobhan Murphy. Paul Gross narrates each episode and makes guest appearances.

Quitting Time – Disturbed by their diet pop addiction, April and Matt agree to become “ quit buddies.” Feeling left out, Gary joins in the pop abstinence, with less than stellar results. After a humiliating fall on the ice, Pramesh also leans toward quitting – curling, that is. Worried that Pramesh will sue, Bill decides to be “ nice” – which proves to be even more disturbing than regular Bill.
