New tonight: Fanboy Confessional on Space – “The Cosplay Edition” and “The Steampunk Edition”

10:00 p.m. ET/PT – “The Cosplay Edition”
Sisters Michelle and Melanie have been cosplaying for years and spend months preparing costumes to wow convention crowds and pose for pictures. Katya and Clarissa and friends are teenage newbies just getting started in Cosplay and their Final Fantasy XIII costumes may be a bit more of a challenge than they are ready for. Join both teams as they race against the clock to Cosplay at Anime North – one of the premier Cosplay Cons and Masquerades.

10:30 p.m. ET/PT – “The Steampunk Edition”
Steampunk is more than cool retro style – it’s becoming a way of life from coast to coast. On the west coast there’s an entire brass-goggled community living in “Steamhouse”: headquarters of Vancouver’s V-Steam society. The east coast is home to the man who helped define and shape the Steampunk vision, world renowned mechanical hacker Jake Von Slatt. Climb aboard his Steampunk bus for a trip forward into the past at the first Steampunk World’s Fair.

