TV, eh? to rise from the dead

I’m teaming up with former TV Guide Canada critic Greg David to revive the site in early August with a focus on more original interviews, reviews and features. We’re looking for ways to make it financially sustainable and an Indigogo campaign is step one. Our stretch goal is $5000 but the more we raise, the more we can continue with original content while we look for stable funding.


6 thoughts on “TV, eh? to rise from the dead”

  1. This news has made my summer. Yay!

    Do you think the podcast may be part of this revival too?

  2. I guess I’m behind the times. I’ve kept my TV, eh? bookmark, but didn’t expect to see it back. I accidentally clicked on the bookmark, intending to go to another site, and lo and behold, I see (only a month late) you’re back. Cheers from south of the 49th!

    Hope you were able to use the time off to recharge.

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