Preview: Dates and goodbyes on Heartland

“We’re all going to be OK.” That’s the final line spoken by Georgie in tonight’s new episode of Heartland, and summarizes another week’s storylines fluctuating between funny and infuriating, and tender and tear-filled.

“Reckless Abandon” digs deep into relationships between humans and other humans, horses and humans and horses with other horses. After a couple of weeks of hints, it looks as though Bear is going to fulfill his promising role in the Calgary Police’s mounted unit … and Georgie isn’t happy about it. Georgie, never one to sit back and think things through, allows the possibility Bear might leave to impact her relationship with Amy. Not helping matters? Some bad news from Stephen.


Relationship issues extend to Casey and Tim as well. Tim isn’t the best when it comes to voicing his feelings, and puts his foot in it with Casey, leading to some awkward moments and a possible future that scares the heck out of Tim.

Most Awkward Award of the night, however, goes to Lou. Her attempt to get back into the dating pool with house inspector Carson (Michael Xavier) leads to some laugh-out-loud moments followed by a cringe-inducing situation and Lou jumping to conclusions.

Heartland airs Sundays at 7 p.m. on CBC.


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