Comments and queries for the week of April 22

Bitten says goodbye

Jeremy getting stabbed in the eye is not enough justice for Karen being murdered in cold blood by that SOB (literally). He should be given up to humans by the pack and pay for his crime (since they have now outed themselves). I did not like the ending. I mean, werewolves and humans living in harmony … puhleeeze. Unrealistic and contrived conclusion. Watch Wolfblood, which is essentially a CBBC series for juveniles but is more coherent. —Keith

All I have to say is I’m sad a great show like Bitten, their storylines and most of all the actors will not have a next season. —Lori

I wanted Nick with Paige, his ending upset me! —TanyaLeigh

Damn, that was a good finale. It makes me want to watch the series all over again. —Kimberly

I am very sad to see this series end. I do hope you can put out some new series to let us know what going on with the witches. —Lorie


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