Comments and queries for the week of October 7

The Age of Abundant Consultation

The CRTC heard what consumers wanted; they simply ignored what consumers were saying. The CRTC proved once more that it walks in the shadow of the regulated industries. The “BIG BOYS” dictated the terms and conditions of their “surrender” to consumer demands for a skinny cable package. The CRTC dutifully responded by making these the terms and conditions of their package. It did not take long for consumers to realize that after all of the CRTC’s hype about choice, they had been had. Once more, the CRTC proved to the public that they are not a credible regulatory agency who will place the interest of consumers above those of the “BIG BOYS.” J.P. Blais is largely responsible for this outcome. —Eamon

Bachelorette Canada makes Muzique in Montreal

Chris was respectful and asked Jasmine if she wanted the hear the goods on Johnny (Drew). If she wanted to just keep on going blindly and make her own decisions she should not have said yes. Maybe I don’t think like the rest of them, but it took guts from a guy who never really had any one-on-one time with her to let her know not to be fooled by a rat who’s in it for the game or the win while Chris himself seems more to have her best interests at heart not wanting to see her heart crushed by a player. I lost respect for the bunch of them. —Lori

Can I buy The Nature of Things?

I would like to order this series on Pompeii. How can I do this? Thanks. —Laura

We’re not sure if you can purchase episodes of The Nature of Things, but you’ll be able to stream it at


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