TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 2907
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

In the news: Would Be Kings review

From Alex Strachan of Canwest News Service:

  • Would Be Kings is gripping drama
    “Would Be Kings (CTV – 9 p.m.; concludes tomorrow), a new two-night, four-hour miniseries from The Eleventh Hour co-creator Ilana Frank and occasional Eleventh Hour director David Wellington, has a weary air of familiarity about it at the beginning. But stay the course. About half an hour in, it’s as gripping and intense as Intelligence and Da Vinci’s Inquest were in their day.” Read more.

In the news: What Canadian TV gets wrong

From Jim Henshaw at the Legion of Decency:

  • The Winning Skid
    “But for some reason, our Canadian nets have ignored the overwhelming creative drift toward changing the paradigms and trotted out a selection of knock-offs of shows everybody’s seen and done before — in some cases, long before — and like those eager kids who put on a show in somebody’s barn over the summer, they seem quite proud of themselves for doing little more than not forgetting their lines or bumping into the furniture.” Read more.

In the news: ZOS, The Weight

From Judith Klassen at Movie Entertainment Magazine:

  • Freedom Fee
    “‘I’m sorry — I hear Veronica Mars is great, but I mostly watch pay TV.’
    Toronto-born actor Enrico Colantoni (Just Shoot Me, Veronica Mars) laughs off the comment. ‘That’s because (pay TV is) better. You can say fucking shit is what you can say. That’s why network TV is a greater accomplishment: When it’s good, the feat is all that much more difficult to achieve.'” Read more.
  • The Weight, The Wire, ZOS, 2008
    “A month of stuffing your cake hole and listening to Uncle Rex rant about foreign policy at the holiday table can lead to a seasonal strain of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Instead of hitting the gym or the January blow-out sales, why not turn to the tube for a little comparative therapy? You think your holiday blues are bad? Try playing Halo 3 for real in Iraq…” Read more.

In the news: Queen’s content on The Border

From Greg Burliuk of The Kingston Whig Standard:
