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TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

In the news: My Life and a Movie review

From Cameron Archer of Blogcritics:

  • TV Review: My Life and a Movie – “Deadly Weapons” and “She-Devils on Wheels”
    “The first, and possibly only, two episodes of My Life and a Movie feature Jeremy’s experiences dating a big-breasted bank teller and a normal-breasted writer. In the second episode his stepmother can be seen on one of the four screens that make up his set. Jeremy synopses one film per episode, My Life and a Movie being an excuse to show clips of the latest film that’s literally ruining his mind. In keeping with the reality-blurring theme, My Life and a Movie also has a narrator.” Read more.

In the news: Flashpoint ‘all about stress’

From Ray Ellis of Blogcritics:

  • TV Review: Flashpoint: A Different Kind Of Cop Show, eh?
    “It’s in the backstories that Flashpoint differs from the usual procedural cop show. It’s not the slam-bang take no prisoners action adventure to which American audiences are accustomed. There’s plenty of tension and stress in the pilot episode, but it’s tempered with an underlying sense of emotion. It achieves something very rare in American television—it causes you to empathize with all the characters, rather than just dropping bodies to and fro.” Read more.
