Everything about Little Mosque on the Prairie, eh?

In the news: Little Mosque on the Prairie, again and again and …

More Little Mosque on the Prairie:


Upcoming episode: Little Mosque on the Prairie, CBC, Jan. 9

From CBC:

Premieres Tuesday at 8:30 PM following The Rick Mercer Report. And you can catch it again at its regular time, Wednesday at 8:00 PM.

Come visit a town where the Middle East meets the middle of nowhere, as a dynamic cast of characters tries to find the middle ground in an uncertain post 9/11 world. What they discover is that regardless of religion, relationships are a challenge, family will do what they can to make life difficult and generation gaps tend not to shrink. You’ll meet Amaar, a big-city lawyer who discovers his true calling and moves west to become the Imam of Mercy’s Muslim community. You’ll meet Baber, who was the Imam before Amaar arrived. And you’ll meet Yasir, a contractor and pillar of the community, and Sarah, his wife. She’s a Muslim convert who balances both worlds with great poise – most of the time. But it’s their daughter Rayyan – outspoken and devout – who can be counted on to rile the most stringent members of the Mosque. They’re all part of life in Mercy.

Little Mosque on the Prairie. Small town Canada. With a little Muslim twist.
