Everything about Rick Mercer Report, eh?

In the news: Canadian spin-offs ’shameful’

From The Gateway (the student newspaper of the University of Alberta):

  • Deal me out, Canada
    We need to stop trying to keep up with the Jones’ in regards to television. Canadian entertainment industries may not have the capital to produce first-rate shows, but re-branding American atrocities to give “the little guy,” a chance to strike it rich or gain national fame for six months isn’t something we should be proud of.”

In the news: More reaction to ‘beleaguered’ CBC

From Antonia Zerbisias of the Toronto Star:

  • Happy talk at CBC Survivor
    “According to a report on the week of Jan. 15-21 by Canadian Media Research Inc., ‘Even with episode two of Little Mosque on the Prairie, CBC TV (4.7 per cent) had its lowest weekly audience share in three months, while CTV (13.8 per cent) had its best week of the TV season and Global was well back at an 8.5 per cent weekly share. CBC’s share in prime time, 6.9 per cent, was its lowest in two months.’ “