From Jason Chow of CanWest News Service:
- Kenny vs. Spenny
“Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice are the stars of Kenny vs. Spenny, a reality/comedy series where two childhood friends battle each other in outrageous competitions. The series airs Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. on Showcase. We asked them each to write a short column on the subject of Canadian television. Which column is better?” Read more.

Kenny nurmerous times you say I appologize for cheating, but some times you go way over board, making so that spenny can’t even get the cahnce to compete. Example you put him on lsd, pused him off the boat, locked him in a closet, didn’t drink andy beer, and on top of it fake the puke, switch his baby, and much much much more. It’s funny when you cheat but sometimes is tkaen over board.