In the news: Brett Butt’s tough decision

From the Canadian Press:

  • Upcoming season will be last for Corner Gas
    “Brent Butt says the decision to pull the plug on his wildly popular and successful “Corner Gas” has left him feeling like something of a reluctant triggerman. “I feel like the kid at the end of `Old Yeller,'” Butt said Thursday after making a surprise announcement that the show, about the hijinks at a small-town Prairie gas station, would end its run at the end of its upcoming sixth season.” Read more.

2 thoughts on “In the news: Brett Butt’s tough decision”

  1. I can’t believe the show is ending. This is one of those shows the whole family can watch, and will have everyone in tears during the final episode, because there will be no more. This has to be one of the best shows I have seen since I was young, when tv was good. I am sorry to see this show ending, but I thank Brett and the cast for a wonderful time while watching. I’ll be looking for the reruns. I feel like I’m losing family members. I hope this cast can get together in another show, as they blend together so well. Thanks folks! From an American viewer in Louisiana

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