TV, eh? radio: Sunday at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern

Don’t forget: tomorrow (April 20) at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern is the first live version of the TV, eh? Internet radio show. Listen live and call in at 646-200-4063 to discuss what you’re watching or join the conversation with our guests and give your opinion:

  • Robson Arms co-creators Susin Neilsen and Gary Harvey (about 10 minutes in)
  • Technogeek Steve Wild on tv on the web (about 35 minutes in)
  • Screenwriter/journalist Mark Leiren-Young will report on Bill C-10 (see his The Tyee article on appearing before the Senate about the controversial legislation) (about 50 minutes in)

If you can’t be there Sunday, you can still listen to the show later [Post-show update: Listen in the player below – there’s a few seconds of dead air at the beginning, but what would a first show be without technical difficulties?].

We’ve got great guests lined up in the next few weeks, too – keep checking out the upcoming show schedule for all the details.


3 thoughts on “TV, eh? radio: Sunday at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern”

  1. Thanks! Other than being so easy to do, I don’t gotta love the live part of it though – I was very nervous. I’m sure the jitters will go away with time … I hope. Hope you join sometime?

  2. I have to differ with you Diane when you indicated that you didn’t know a lot about Bill C-10. Based on the questions you asked, I would say that you know more about the details & the implications than many in the “conventional” media.
    Great interview!

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