In the news: The Week The Women Went premieres tonight

From Maria Kubacki of the Ottawa Citizen

  • When women leave
    “Who’s more useful — women or men? Watching The Week the Women Went, CBC’s reality TV show, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the fairer sex is also the indispensable sex.” Read more.

From Brian Gorman of the Brantford Expositor:

  • Lock up the womenfolk
    “This is the second time CBC has stormed into a village, carried off the women and enslaved the men. The occasion is the reality series/social experiment “The Week the Women Went,” which begins its second season Wednesday, Jan. 21, on CBC Television.” Read more.

From the Journal Pioneer:

From Tim Arsenault of the Chronicle Herald:


One thought on “In the news: The Week The Women Went premieres tonight”

  1. Wow I hope not all men from NS are like the one on The Week the Women Went! I am a man from Ontario, and these guys a giving men a bad name! We share the work around our house, not 50/50, but I help out. If my wife Went my house would not fall apart!

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