From Laura Fries of Variety:
Being Erica
“Soapnet’s original series “Being Erica,” a Canadian import, taps into the current American psyche with its comic blend of personal anxiety and wistful nostalgia. A frothy dramedy with a bit of a sassy edge in which a young woman gets a cosmic opportunity to rework her past, it’s a pleasant change of pace from the recent influx of dark investigative labs and stark police precincts.” Read more.
From Amy Amatangelo of the Boston Herald:
- Woulda, shoulda, coulda: Likable ‘Erica’ answers what if’s
“The 13-episode series is a Canadian production that began airing there last month. Here’s the thing about shows not emanating from the United States: The characters look more real. Maybe it’s less Botox and plastic surgery. Maybe it’s less time in makeup and hair. Maybe it’s because they aren’t a size 0. The characters on “Being Erica†look like people you could know.” Read more.
From Kevin McDonough of South Coast Today:
- Troubled Torontonian goes reelin’ in the years
“What if Bridget Jones had a time machine? That is as good a way as any to describe the 13-part scripted series “Being Erica” (10 p.m., Eastern, Soapnet). A strange hybrid of romance and science fiction-fantasy with a heavy overlay of therapy and self-help, this Canadian series is unafraid to be deeply neurotic in the most interesting ways.” Read more.
From Alice Burdick Schweiger of The Jewish Week:
- New Soap’s Heroine? A Jewish 30-something
“Being Erica, a new one-hour prime time drama, premieres this week (Feb. 19 at 10 p.m.) on the Soapnet channel. The show takes place in Toronto and focuses on Erica Strange (Erin Karpluk), a single, attractive, funny, 32-year-old middle-class Jewish girl. She is not religious, yet has a strong Jewish identity.” Read more.

I have grown fond of Being Erica (viewing it on Canada’s CBC network). Both Erin Karpluk (Erica) and Joanna Douglas (Erica’s sister Samantha) are gorgeous and talented, and the plot lines are more complex than one would have first thought.