From W. Brice McVicar of the Belleville Intelligencer:
- Happy to host murder
“One of Belleville’s most recognizable landmarks will be the site of a murder next month and staff at the Glanmore National Historic Site couldn’t be happier. Cast and crew of the television series Murdoch Mysteries are scheduled to begin four days of filming at the Bridge Street East museum Nov. 9. The mystery series, set in 1897 Ontario, is expected to conduct three days of interior shooting and one of exteriors along streets in the neighbourhood.” Read more.

It is truly unfortunate that Glanmore has never been maintained with respect to it’s interior, in m,any cases restored back to the 60’s, not the Phillips time (who bult Glanmore.. Murdoc Mysteries would have been much better served if it had been. As all attempts to assist iin rectifying these renovations undertaken between 1971-3 by the Museum Managem,ent Board to no avail, I can only apologize on behalf of the family.
Anne4 Burrows Faulkner
Family Representative.
PHoto album, before sale as presevered by the family, and after sale, i.e., what is prsented to the public as an authentic restoration to the Phillips era.