From Bill Brioux at TV Feeds My Family:
- Hockey Hammers Hiccups, Dan for Mayor
“Monday’s BBM Canada overnight estimates saw both Hiccups and Dan dip well below the half-million mark nationally, a first for new episodes of each. The Total BBM tally, which includes PVR viewing, will be higher, but stillâ€â€these are shows that opened to close to 2 million viewers each in overnights.” Read more.

The only reason that these two shows have any viewers is that there isn’t anything else to watch on Monday nights.
I think that most people watch them just to kill some time.
Both shows really aren’t funny. Hiccups’ is poorly cast with inane humor.
Dan for Mayor. C’mon! A mayoral campaign? That’s a ridiculous premise for a show.
I see these two programs going nowhere fast!
How was Corner Gas so successful? Actually, the writing in the last two seasons was lacking.
If anything, Oscar and Emma should have been given a spin-off.
At least they were funny.