From a media release:
- Winning Eco-preneur walks away $100,000 richer
After months of auditions and over 600 hundred applications, DRAGONS’ DEN and Frito Lay Canada’s SunChips brand unveil the finalists for Canada’s best Greenvention in a special one-hour episode of DRAGONS’ DEN airing Monday, June 7 at 8 p.m. on CBC Television. Three of the best, brightest and greenest entrepreneurs present their business ideas to the Dragons. Only one industrious pitcher walks away with $100,000, courtesy of SunChips, and the title of Canada’s top eco-preneur.
Inspired by the SunChips brands’ Greenvention, the World’s First 100% compostable chip bag, and a year-over-year trend of eco-preneurial pitchers vying for the Dragons’ attention on DRAGONS’ DEN, the Greenvention call for applications began Monday, March 1 and came to a close on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22. DRAGONS’ DEN producers, alongside guest green judge Rick Smith of Environmental Defense Canada, carefully reviewed all applications. The top three Greenvention finalists are:
- Wellington, BC native Peter Roosen’s Veggie Plastic, a plastic molding made from vegetable oil and recycled drywall
- Maple Ridge, BC native Andrea Gregg’s Nursery Natural Baby Wipes, a 100 per cent organic and biodegradable baby wipe solution
- Toronto, ON native Leigh Meadows’ Smart Hanger, a recyclable hanger made of cardboard
DRAGONS’ DEN is hosted by Dianne Buckner and features Dragons Arlene Dickinson, Robert Herjavec, Kevin O’Leary, Jim Treliving and W. Brett Wilson. DRAGONS’ DEN is one of the top-rated Canadian-produced reality television shows in the country. Recently, the March 17 season finale drew an audience of 2.15 million viewers.

I do not believe this . If this is the best that Canada can produce then god help us
This contest has now turned canada into a laughing stock.
To think that this is produced with taxpayers money is a disgrace and C B C should be ashamed .
Not sure what Bob’s problem is…. it’s a very interesting show…. who’s laughing at us? Why? Because it’s not a laugh-a-minute sitcom, or no one gets shot? What kind of programming would Bob like to see produced with Canadian taxpayer money…. I think the CBC is right on the money with this one….
This is a great show and very educational. I am in full support of the Greenvention contest! I am a green business and support all eco-preneurs out there! One of the finalists has her product in my shop which I support 100%! I agree with you Christine, hats off to CBC!
The tone of Bob Ralstons comment sounded so familiar…
I did a search on the Dragons Den forum
and found that he is of “Ralston Rear Stabilizer” one of the jaded Dragons Den auditioners that did not get selected.
Here is his CBC profile
I don’t think this press release was meant for bashing Dragons Den or its participants. I love Dragons Den, and congrats to anyone who made it on!
Joseph has too much time on his hands apparently.
I like Dragon’s Den but I love free speech. It’s OK not to like the program and to voice that opinion.
CBC isn’t FOX news (yet)
Joseph get yor facts straight i did not enter the ralston rear stabilizer in the dragons den.
i did not enter the greenvention contest,so i have no skin in this game .If you had taken the trouble to check out all the contestents in the Den you would have discovered that many of them were new ideas .there is nothing new about any of the 3 that where picked.
If you think carboard hangers are new and are a great invention then i rest my Case.
Joseph your comment about the rear stabilizer was totally out of context. I mentioned it to an inventor on the forum and asked him to have a look at it and give me his opinion. For your information this was designed at the request of the Construction safety Engineers association to solve a problem that they had tried to solve for years and they were very impressed by its performance.
Why would smarthanger be involve in the finals. E-Hanger was the first compay to introduce the eco hangers in Canada. They sold this company idea.
I wish all 3 finalists best of luck on the show! Special mention should go to Tatsuya Nakagawa of Castagra, one of the creative engines behind Peter’s products. As other articles have written, Castagra is already on the path to success – winning DD would be a nice cherry on top!
Bob, showcasing any product that shows we can be greener in a forum like the Dragons Den is good for the whole cause. If your convinced that these ideas are lame or not impressive – what do you have that”s better? Show us your way to get the country moving towards more responsible and environmentally sound solutions before you put your goal to taking down others that are trying to make a difference. I say good luck to all of the finalists and good luck to all of the submitters for the Greenvention. Bravo for trying!
Well said ! CuzICan. Hurray to those who are part of the solution.
Today I found out, and very impressed to learn, I know not one but two of the finalists! Jason I second your special mention.
I met Tatsuya just after my test market at PNE in 2006. As an entrepreneur I was fortunate to have him as an advisor. He kept me focused and every so often reined me in. He was a key contributor to successfully launching my biodegradable Wysiâ„¢ wipes.
Good luck to all! I applaud you!
Congrats Cathy! Hope business is going well.
Yes, Tats is one of my mentors, and I’m definitely looking forward to the show on Monday.
Hi all, is there a more comprehensive list of “Runners up?” Theres definitely no sour grapes over here, I wish the winner and the runners up all well in their future endeavours.
I also entered the “Greenvention” Contest with my Patent Pending Greener Block
I was just wondering out of “Hundreds” of applications at what point did I not make the cut.
I am a Canadian, just currently out of the country.
Greener Block is a completely new type of concrete CMU made from abated solid waste, it cuts heating and cooling costs, as well as being stronger than its contemporaries in hurricane, tornado and earthquake prone areas.
Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks!