More 18 to Life reviews

From Tom Conroy at Media Life magazine:

  • ’18 to Life,’ and a punishing stretch, too
    “The rule holds true for the Canadian sitcom “18 to Life,” an amateurish series that is unappealing whether approached as a romantic comedy or as a naughty sex farce. One hopes that the CW, which is burning off the 12 episodes of this ill-advised acquisition in late summer, didn’t pay much, because the show’s producers seemed to have scrimped on directing, acting and writing.” Read more.

From Unreality Shout:

  • Review: 18 to Life: Pilot
    “There’s always room in any network’s schedule for a good new comedy, but 18 to Life can be described neither as good, nor indeed, comedy. That said, there were some comedic moments in this Canadian born sitcom, but they died soon after birth, which really, this entire show should.” Read more.