New tonight: Durham County on HBO Canada – series finale “Sanctuary”

After spending the night purging his feelings to Ivan about Sadie’s tragedy in the line of duty, Mike Sweeney is reeling from Ivan’s confession regarding his disappeared wife, Katya. Mike stumbles into the station and tells Sabina and Samuel of Ivan’s drunken confession. But despite Sabina’s protests, Sweeney begins to spin a plan that keeps Ivan out of jail so he can use Ivan as bait to bring down Ivan’s drug lord brother-in-law Miro. Meanwhile, Ivan awakens to find Miro and his men in the upstairs washroom holding Katya’s cousin Eva hostage. When Ivan confesses to Miro he’s going to sell Miro out to the cops, Miro threatens to kill Evan unless Ivan gives Miro information about Miro’s sister, Katya’s disappearance. Mike and Ivan continue to play a game of cat and mouse. Ivan finally has to make a decision that will be the ultimate betrayal of his family and roots. Ivan’s damage and wreckage over his family galvanizes Mike to make the right decisions with his own damaged family.
