Friday, December 31 at 20:00 – 21:00:
AIR FARCE NEW YEAR’S EVE 2010/2011 – (NEW) – Royal Canadian Air Farce’s annual reunion and comic look-back at the highs and lows of 2010. Again this year there’s a load of good targets for fun and satire – from Justin Bieber’s hair-raising rise to fame, to the billion-dollar G8 and G20 boondoggles and bedbug infestations in Canada’s big cities. “Don’t touch my junk” airport security, Celine Dion’s new twins, disastrous oil leaks and America’s Tea Party also come under the Farce-o-scope. Roger Abbott, Don Ferguson, Luba Goy, Jessica Holmes, Craig Lauzon, Alan Park and Penelope Corrin. Special guest Lloyd Robertson.