From Mark Rappleye of the Deseret News:
- TV review: ‘Sanctuary’ returns to finalize third season
The show stars Amanda Tapping, best known for creating the Samantha Carter role in “Stargate SG-1.†As the “Stargate†franchise, previously a Syfy powerhouse, has slowly faded out, Tapping has taken on the role of Helen Magnus in “Sanctuary.†Magnus is a scientist who has lived more than 150 years thanks to an experiment involving vampire blood that she participated in along with her colleagues, all of whom are now of notable repute. These associates included the invisible man, Dr. James Watson, Nikola Tesla and the man who would become known as Jack the Ripper. Read more.

Given the recent hubbub about scheduling quirks, I thought it might be worth noting that here in the States, Syfy has switched Sanctuary from Friday nights to Monday nights (following Stargate Universe) starting next week. It’s an almost last-minute change, as they only issued the press release yesterday afternoon.
As far as I can tell, up to this point Space has aired the show in the same timeslot as Syfy. So far, it doesn’t look like they’re following suit in this scheduling change, but I thought I’d warn Canadian fans in case Space decides to make the same change at the last minute.
Just to be clear, it’s not tonight’s episode that Syfy is pushing back to next Monday, it’s next Friday’s episode that they’re pushing ahead.