New tonight: Making House on W – series premiere


Husband and wife designer and contractor, Jennifer Reid and Chad Kulchyski have spent ten years of marriage making beautiful homes for other people. Now, with three young children and a fourth on the way, they are making their own dream home – and they’ve given themselves only five months to complete it before their new baby is born.

In the first episode, the family prepares to move into the rental apartment where they will live until their house is completed. With Chad constantly on the phone and running off to his other job sites, a pregnant and very angry Jenn is left to do most of the work. Feeling completely burned out and run-down on moving day, Jenn and Chad push themselves to get all of the bedrooms ready before the kids come home for the night. With ambitious plans, a tight budget, their own businesses to run and three children fighting for their attention, Jenn and Chad will certainly have their work cut out for them. Making House premieres with back-to-back episodes Tuesday, June 7 at 8 p.m.


2 thoughts on “New tonight: Making House on W – series premiere”

  1. I don’t get it. Is this not an abusive relationship – to me it is and i do not want to see this unless someone is going to step in and teach her where her boundaries should be

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