Bill Brioux of TV Feeds My Family, tweeting from the upfronts, confirms that Showcase has cancelled Endgame (though the remaining episodes of season 1 will still air) and that the fate of XIII is undecided.

Bill Brioux of TV Feeds My Family, tweeting from the upfronts, confirms that Showcase has cancelled Endgame (though the remaining episodes of season 1 will still air) and that the fate of XIII is undecided.
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That’s a shame. I was actually really enjoying Endgame. I’ve never watched XIII though.
WOW! I am surprised about Endgame. It was a lot of fun and very smart. As an American fan of GOOD Canadian TV shows this one hurts.
This is depressing, I was really liking Endgame. Even though the plots for individual episodes could be a bit uneven, the show was great for Shawn Doyle’s performance alone – he had great chemistry with the rest of the cast as well.
I am sad to see Endgame coming to an…end. I enjoyed the clever dialogue and the camera work depicting his problem solving process was cool. I really like Shawn Doyle and hope he finds another vehicle for his talents. Will miss him and the other cast members.
This is sad news, indeed. It hasn’t been easy to get my hands on Endgame episodes (I’m in Texas), but it has certainly been more than worth the effort.
I love the show — the cast, premise and writing are all exceptional. What a shame that this quirky, intriguing show couldn’t find its audience.
At least we’ll get to see the remaing few episodes. That’s better than nothing . . . I guess. :-(
I’m sort of surprised by this. Showcase put so many resources behind this show but ultimately I think scheduling it on Mondays was its downfall. That and not getting a USA backer after its first season must’ve played a factor in its downfall. I really liked this show but still, I’m not that surprised.
I’ve also enjoyed Endgame.. I do wonder if it was the choice to put it on Showcase rather than some other distribution channel.
Oh, and there is a “Netflix” ad on the side of this page. CBC is putting some of their shows there. Wonder if the show would have done better if it did better distribution agreements.
It seems par for the course that good shows are canned, but brain dead rubbish is kept. The TV execs wonder where the audiences have gone? I’ll tell you. We are sick to death of following a great show that encourages thinking, only to find out it is no more. I’ll just give up on TV soon, what is the point in watching?.
I couldn’t have said it any better! I just found out that Endgame was canceled and I ma so disappointed!
So many, as you put it, ‘brain dead’ shows continue on and yet clever shows are dropped!
I’m currently looking for some sort of petition to sign to get the show back on. Hey, if FB can get Betty White to host SNL you never know what could happen (BTW – Love Betty White!).
Just like Rubicon on AMC!
I was just starting to get into Endgame these past 3 or 4 episodes. Honestly – how can Shaw Media expect to build audiences when we barely get a chance to catch on? It usually takes at least half a season for a show to find its feet, and its audience – but these Canadian broadcasters yank them before we’ve had any time to experience them.
“I do wonder if it was the choice to put it on Showcase rather than some other distribution channel.”
I don’t think it’s likely. Lost Girl and King weren’t hurt by being on Showcase. And Shaw doesn’t have any network with a better coverage except for Global, which consistently treats its home-grown shows shabbily.
Lost Girl and King weren’t hurt?!?!? How do you come to that conclusion? Both of those shows were cancelled in their first season!
No they weren’t. Lost Girl just got its S2 order increased to 22 episodes (and was picked up by SyFy) and King was renewed for a second season.
Yeah…we finally, after years of crap, get some great shows (Shattered – though that was limited run) and Endgame with the infinitely gorgeous and talented cast (yeah Sean Doyle with blonde or his natural dark hair is smoking hot) is now sidelined just because the American’s don’t watch it. Why can’t we be more the like British?
And, now that it’s cancelled, how will we find out who was responsible for the death of Rosemary?
The final episodes are still to air – hopefully they clear up that mystery. And King doesn’t have a US partner either as far as I know, and that was renewed. Endgame’s ratings dropped dramatically from the premiere which I think hurt it more than anything else.
Actually no. Endgames ratings are good. This Monday 203,000 in total, much better than King at 167,000 on Sunday.
It went from 232,000 from the premiere to 154,000 for the second episode, though – I know it crept back up but neither show’s season average will be terrific. King might be cheaper or luckier but I don’t think it has a US sale either so don’t think that’s the deciding factor.
Very sad to hear that Endgame is cancelled. I loved this show from Day 1 (and I don’t know any of the cast).
It ahs always intrigued me, whereas King just strikes me as lame. Not to mention crap like Rookie Blue. 13 episodes is NOT ENOUGH for us to have gotten an idea of the staying power of this series.
Come on, Showcase! At least let it go for one more 13 episode season…..
This is depressing. So many shows I like have been cancelled this year.. it’s so frustrating.
Balagan was so interesting — his thought processes in solving crimes fascinating. And I loved how he used the hotel maid and a young fan and the bartender to help him out.
Very disappointed. A very classy show. God network executives piss me off. How many great shows with longevity started out with alower ratings their first season, then picked up as people “found” them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I’ll miss Balagan (and I’ll miss not knowing who the hell murdered your wife) 2-hour movie to tie up loose ends anyone?
This is depressing. So many shows I like have been cancelled this year.. it’s so frustrating.
Balagan was so interesting — his thought processes in solving crimes fascinating. And I loved how he used the hotel maid and a young fan and the bartender to help him out.
Very disappointed. A very classy show. God network executives piss me off. How many great shows with longevity started out with alower ratings their first season, then picked up as people “found” them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I’ll miss Balagan (and I’ll miss not knowing who the hell murdered your wife) 2-hour movie anyone?
Hey everyone! Showcase has decided to cancel Endgame and as big fans of the show we just don’t want this to happen. We have started a petition to try to rally some support:
Hi if you want to save Endgame or care there is a petition online here ….as of now there are 739 signatures….add yours!! now and there is also a Facebook page dedicated to saving the show….go and check it out if you care to add your support to the petition and help save the show!!
cheers all!
Are these idiots crazy? Endgame has to be the best original series on TV today! XIII is also great. If they cannot make these shows work they need to pack it up and call it quits. They are obviously in the wrong business. Maybe a better network with more experience will pick them up since they are great shows. I watch them both and I live in the USA.
I am very disappointed about this as well. King is all right, but just another cop show. This show made you think and was beautifully filmed. I am trying to watch X111, and hope it does not get cancelled before it has a chance to catch on, too. I don’t know any of the cast, either, but love Sean Doyle in the role.
NO!!!! why are they canceling endgame i love that show i looked forward to it every week they have probably made the worst mistake in the history of Showcase they should REALLY consider changing there mind cause if they don’t i surely wont be watching much showcase
Cancelling Endgame? What a huge disappointment and mistake. One of the best shows on TV and certainly the best on Showcase.
What the Hell‽ “Endgame†is great.
What else does Showcase have, “King�
Stupid move.period.
Well, actually, they still have XIII, and they still have Lost Girl, which is coming back, presumably this fall.
I live in India and can’t believe that a wonderful show which for sure would have great appeal even in the Indian market is being cancelled.
A number of my friends have spent hours downloading or watching all the episodes half way across the world. Endgame has all the makings of a great international franchise.
All because some TV exces messed up the international marketing. IMHO, someone should get fired for such a nutcase decision.
I hope they change their mind. Endgame was very good. To me it was quite original and very enjoyable. Here’s to changing their mind!
why was it cancelled
Endgame was intelligent and fun to watch! There was plenty of room to go with the plot and now we’re left with no closure! Really? This was the only thing I could stand to watch on Showcase so I really hope they reconsider their decision to cancel it.
This is one of the best TV shows I have been able to witness. A cross between House and the real Sir Arthur’s Sherlock Holmes. I have only been able to see it on Hulu as this show is Canadian but I will be bitterly dissappointed if it comes to a close. From my review alone, 25 friends have started to watch. If Canada will not support such a show please sell it to American TV for it is a show that should continue!!!!
X111 has turned into a joke………what happened to the great show it was in season 1?
New writers…………it sucks now!11