From a media release:
MURDOCH MYSTERIES MOVES TO A NEW HOME ON CBC-TV Season 6 of the popular drama series greenlit by CBC
CBC and leading producer Shaftesbury today announced that a sixth season of the popular one-hour drama series Murdoch Mysteries has been greenlit by CBC, with production targeted to commence in spring 2012. Drama channel Alibi in the UK and ITV Studios Global Entertainment will remain production partners on the new season of the internationally successful series, which has been sold in more than 100 countries.
Trevor Walton, Executive Director Scripted and Commissioned Programming at CBC said “We are delighted to welcome Murdoch Mysteries to the network. It is very exciting to have this much loved, quality, Canadian drama at CBC. It complements our programming and continues our commitment to Canadian produced drama.”
“With so many stories left to tell, we look forward to finally bringing Murdoch Mysteries to a national audience and growing our passionate fan base in partnership with the team at CBC,†said Christina Jennings, Chairman & CEO, Shaftesbury.
Based on Canadian author Maureen Jennings’s popular Detective Murdoch novels set in late 1890s Toronto, Murdoch Mysteries explores the intriguing turn-of-the-century world of William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson), a detective who pioneers radical forensic techniques for the time in his quest to solve the city’s crimes. Murdoch’s colleagues are coroner Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy, Durham County), a staunch ally who shares the detective’s fascination for forensic science; Constable George Crabtree (Jonny Harris, Hatching, Matching, Dispatching), Murdoch’s eager but sometimes naïve right-hand man; and Inspector Brackenreid (Thomas Craig, Coronation Street), Murdoch’s skeptical yet reluctantly supportive boss. Murdoch Mysteries has also featured a line-up of prominent guest stars across five seasons including actors Gordon Pinsent and Victor Garber, opera singer Measha Brueggergosman, Dragons’ Den mogul Arlene Dickinson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Since 2003, Murdoch Mysteries has created more than 5000 jobs for actors, writers, directors, producers, crew, extras and technical and production services. Murdoch Mysteries was initially adapted for television as three made-for-TV films produced by Shaftesbury, which were broadcast in Canada in 2004 and 2005. Following the success of the three movies, the series premiered in 2008, and five seasons (65 hours) have been produced since that time. The series is shot in and around Toronto and Southern Ontario as well as additional locations across Canada including Dawson City and Ottawa, where season five will wrap production.
Murdoch Mysteries is executive produced by Christina Jennings, Scott Garvie and Peter Mitchell; and produced by Jan Peter Meyboom and Stephen Montgomery. Season six of the series will be developed and produced by Shaftesbury in association with CBC, UKTV’s Alibi and ITV Studios Global Entertainment.

Thank you, CBC, for saving the best Canadian TV series of all time. It is much superior to anything on TV in the US at this time. I order the DVDs as soon as they become available and never tire of watching them. I know people who purchased universal DVD players just for the purpose of watching Murdock because it becomes available on DVD in the UK before it does here. Now, that’s devotion!
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou…for not cancelling Murdoch Mysteries. We enjoy this very much. How much more Canadian can you get?!
By far the best Canadian show and one of the best and most watchable show on TV. Keep up the great work
This is great news…now if we can just get them to resurrect Being Erica!!!
Thank goodness someone has the common sense to keep good programming on tv. I applaude the CBC in keeping a Canadian series running. The usual drivel that we get from other networks where they use laugh tracks to insult people’s intelligence proves the producers and distributors have a low regard for their viewing audience. If they produced anything worth laughing at we wouldn’t need a phoney audience response. Love Murdoch Mysteries for grteat performance and production.
Murdoch Mysteries the finest Canadian drama on TV today to be cancelled.. Insanity…..than you CBC for picking up this incredible series…..a brilliant move on your part…..
Although relectant at first to watch a program, I am happy to say that the episodes are entertaining and will continue to watch the series. I hope that Julia Ogden and Murdoch have a real life together in Season 6, or has she officially been married!!!
This is the best news. Cannot understand why City TV would even consider cancelling such an excellent series. So glad someone at the CBC knows this and is taking over.
I totally agree. The characters are so real. I met three of the actors when they were filming in Belleville….so friendly.
Great news! Wonderful show–I’ve been checking for new episodes.
Thrilled to hear that we can expect a Season 6, our thanks to CBC for recuing this wonderful series. I have read all the the Murdoch books and look forward to Maureen Jennings writing a new story involving this fabulous detective.
I am so relieved, one of the best Canadian shows on tv along with Republic of Doyle.
i am so excited to know i can again enjoy quality canadiana…
i so hated the way they ended the show.
i was absolutely devastated… for months :)
so it will be interesting to see how they reinstate william murdoch… maybe he will move to another job.. private detective>>
i actually hope not, i love all the characters, crabtree,higgins,craig,and of course Julia…. i hope they all return too.
THANKS AGAIN CBC!!!!! you rock
Good quality canadian series,so much american junk is shown on our tv stations here in Canada.
Murdoch Mysteries…..Canada’s best export since Canadian Bacon……Job well done CBC….
MM is a wonderful program (excellent cast and thoughtful writing). I am very grateful to CBC for recognizing this. Just when I thought there wasn’t much to watch on TV I now have something to record on my HDPVR beside Dr. Oz and Political Animals.
After viewing the final season 5 I wondered if was cancelled so just looked today and I am so happy it is continuing on CBC. Thank you.
I love it. It is mysterious yet humorous especially when so many inventions are being discovered that we take for granted. Thank you again.
Obviously too popular for American TV (which is nothing but inane garbage) and which obviously calls the shots at CITYTV
CITY’s loss !
I love this show and so glad that is wasnt cancelled altogether. Please keep it going. It is very enjoyable and I can relate to the places where it takes place because I was born and grew up in the east end of Toronto close to where this is. Thank you CBC for continuing the show.
Thank you CBC! This is one of the best shows on television. We look forward to seeing it every week!
After watching the final episode of season 5 I thought the show was done. What a relief to find out that CBC is picking up the series. Thank you CBC. It’s hard to believe that a good quality family show would be cancelled, but all the reality TV crap would stay. What is wrong with our society!!!! It’s time for networks to produce more shows that parents and children can watch together.
Delighted that Murdoch Mysteries will be continuing. It’s one of the very few TV series that I enjoy watching.
This is the only programme we watch on TV. The acting is excellent, and I love the Canadian content. Thank you for keeping it on the television.
Thank you CBS for keeping this show on the air. It is nice to see that good program like this will remain on and that it content is great family programming. Unlike the trashy US reality show, which I could total dislike. :)
Yaaaayyy CBC! Thank you-thank you for taking Murdoch Mysteries – I could NOT understand why ‘that other’ station cancelled it.
THANK YOU – We LOVE Murdoch Mysteries. We have PVR’d every season and watch it almost every night. We just want to see William and Julia reunite this season – I mean come on, the chemestry is there!
I am so glad to find out there will be more MM! Living in North Carolina, USA. I have to wait till I can find this great show on dvd before my nine year old and I can watch it. Its a great show for families young and old to watch and spend some time with each other. To find out that the sixth season is coming is a dream come true. Hopefuly this is only the start of many more seasons to come of a great look back into History! Thank You CBC for giving M
Thank you CBC for giving Murdoch Mysteries a helping hand!
This is the first canadian series i have watched faithfully…shame on ctv.
I hate to admit that I just starting watching Murdoch mysteries about two months ago. It is exceptional…I can;t get enough of it….great story lines, acting is superb and william and Julia must get together. this is a canadian gem…..actually is a gem in any country
M.M. is a really well thought out show. CBC well done for picking up Citys obvious mistake in judgement.This gentleman thinks that our gentleman detective should investigate Citys obvious criminal behaviour?!
I. Love. Murdoch. Da end.
Just watching Murdoch, what a brilliant show. I just ordered the series from United Kingdom. Keep rolling them out!
Hey, we “Yanks” love it as well. Sure beats anything on US airwaves. And while I am at it, Canada you don’t have to make movies to look like US locations. Just tell your story set in Canada! America LOVES Canada!!! Your movies are better, cleaner, more entertaining than the trash out of Hollywood-run by morons. (The only thing worse is the moron(s) in Washington D.C.)
We call it: Dumbing down America! Sad.
Thank God for you!
Thanks CBC. Life without MM would be lousey. Watched all that Netflix had to offer, bought Season 4 And now looking for Season 5. Only sorry US TV can’t pick this up. All they want is Reality TV .. ugh !!
Best show since Midsomer Murders. Thanks CBC !!!
You should try looking at your local PBS listings. I know that some PBS affiliates have shown some of the earlier seasons.
I love the Murdoch Mysteries program as well. It is one of the best,if not the finest program that Canada has ever produced. Thank you CBC.
I see CityTV is still airing reruns which is also great. Hope they continue.
The onblyl show my husband and I look at together is the Murdoch Mysteries. Please keep it on for many years to come. It is pure Canadian and one of the finest programs to come along in years.
Thank you CBC ! Murdoch Mysteries is the best show to come along in years. It is a gem. It is the No.1 show in our home by far. Our children and some of their friends in their 20’s, are now getting hooked as well. Such a relief to get away from the violent, shoot em up, blood and guts sensational type shows that dominate the air waves these days.
I think Murdock is the BEST, I enjoy the reality of the era, it is realistic you feel involved Fantistic acting love them all
This is the only show I’ve ever watched that I hoped would be around for the rest of my life…why on earth would it be cancelled? Every episode leaves me on the edge of my seat. Smart writing, amazing characters, fascinating mysteries…by far the best series I’ve ever seen. Thank you, CBC!
Il me tarde de retrouver Williams Murdoch et ses acolytes.
Au fil des saisons, ils sont entrés dans ma vie. Et la musique du générique nous attire devant notre écran, pour ne rien rater. Superbe musique au passage.
C’est une série passionnante. Chaque épisode apporte son lot de mystère, de découvertes.
Quand aurons-nous en France, le plaisir de voir la saison 6. Merci CBC de nous laisser la joie de suivre la suite des aventures, de mes héros préférés.
I hope they will get funding for future Murdock shows. It’s the best show on TV. Thank you CBC.
I agree with all of the enthusiastic comments made above. It is the BEST original TV show I have EVER watched. Every aspect is outstanding: production, cinematography, acting and, most important, the stories and writing. I wish more US television channels carried the Murdoch Mysteries, but fortunately Amazon sells the first four seasons and will soon have the 5th season available. (I have bought them all except 5th, not yet for sale.)
Also I agree with earlier comments that William and Julia have to be reunited. I fault the writers for “teasing” the audience for several seasons–leading us on with expectations which were never realized. But, frankly, I don’t see how the writers can make amends now that Julia is married to her doctor fiance, but I’m sure the writers will demonstrate the same originality they have shown so often on other issues as they reunite Julia and William.
Thank you Canada. Sophie
Thank you so much for saving Murdoch;s mysteries..I couldn’t believe that you would cancel such an excellent show…For years Canadian TV
stations complained that Canadians weren’t interested in or would watch Canadian shows….Then along comes this great show ,truly Canadian,and not that American garbage that assaults our airwaves…I just love the way you use all the little towns and cities around Toronto…I absolutely love the Victorian houses etc.It compares to the British show Midsomer Murders,which is also excellent…How wonderful not to have to watch explosions and horror, , just a lovely mystery story…It’s fun, and kooky at times,and I love the characters,who are great together….More Please, and Thank you so much for great Canadian TV……Violet…
I love Murdoch Mysteries but because I do not have cable TV I can no longer watch it because it is on CBC which I no longer get because they did not go digital and therefore that makes me very sad. There are not a lot of shows on TV that I care for anymore but this was one of my favorites so I am very disappointed about the move.
What the Hell is going on? There’s a show called “Ripper Street” that is trying its’ damndest to imitate MURDOCH MYSTERIES. You should sue them, if that’s possible. On the other hand,imitation is the highest form of flattery. No one can surpass MURDOCH MYSTERIES, so I guess just give them the old Rasberry, and say “Shame On Them.”
Isn’t that the truth. I wrote that somewhere a long time ago.
So glad that CBC saved Murdoch Mysteries and are now shooting Season 7. Could NOT be a better show….have waited a long time to discover a Canadian show that is superior to anything else.
I am a resident of the U.S. (Massachusetts) and was heartbroken when I read that this wonderful program was cancelled. I recently discovered two new seasons of it on my ROKU. I am elated. Thank you so much to whomever is responsible for its return.
My faith in CBC has finally been renewed. Thanks to Murdoch.
I recently found Murdoch Mysteries and was instantly intrigued! This show is wonderfully written and the cast is top notch. Thank goodness CBC picked it should go on and steampunk heart overflows!