Mr. D, CBC – “Bully Awareness Week”
Gerry commits himself to making a video presentation for Bully Awareness Week and finds himself with little time to deliver, while Robert is torn over how he will proceed with a new relationship.
Little Mosque on the Prairie, CBC – “Brotherly Love”
Amaar and Rayyan’s first official dinner party as a married couple goes off the rails when Thorne’s brother Charles shows up in Mercy.
Redemption Inc., CBC
The participants are tasked to develop a new men’s bath product line for a soap company. Will they deliver the goods on the product line on time, or will they put a dent in the bottom line?
Canadian Pickers, History Television
The guys head to The Rock to load up on authentic Newfoundland collectibles. In a church filled to the rafters with handmade furniture, a shark’s jaw, and vintage photographs, Sheldon spots a solid brass ship wheel akin to the nautical world’s Holy Grail.
Canada’s Greatest Know-It-All, Discovery – “Time is Money”
Two teams must identify the dollar values of a wide variety of consumer items by packing them into a storage container. The team’s unit with the highest dollar value wins the round. Then, in the “Reverse Boat-Build†test, two teams are challenged to design and build a boat that can transport their team and cargo across a stretch of water in a race against the other team. But the race is in two stages, and there’s a twist. First, the teams must build a boat out of materials that the other team selects for them and transport half of the cargo; then each team builds a second boat from materials of their own choosing to complete the cargo transfer. Then, two competitors meet face to face in an all-stakes elimination round.