Less Than Kind bids farewell Sunday

From Chris Jancelewicz of the Huffington Post:

  • ‘Less Than Kind’ Takes A Bow
    Canadians have the TV comedy market cornered. That’s not me being a smug Canadian, it’s just fact. Think about it. In addition to the obvious “Second City” alumni, we’ve produced some serious comedic talent in this country. Maybe it’s in the water. Whatever the case, this Sunday we’re bidding farewell (perhaps forever) to one of the best — if not the best — Canadian-made TV comedies. “Less Than Kind” is finishing up its three-season run in what some are speculating might be the last-ever episode (titled ‘March Fourth’). Read more.

One thought on “Less Than Kind bids farewell Sunday”

  1. Yes – what a great comedy. And the soundtrack (“I hate Winnipeg” by LesserThans) is also perfect.

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