Serving art and commerce in TV writing

House LarryKaplow photogIsabellaVosmikova

From Alex Strachan of Postmedia News, interviewing the man behind TV, eh?‘s Vancouver TV Writing Seminar (register here):

  • Art and commerce can both be served: House writer Lawrence Kaplow on how it’s done
    Writing for TV – especially mainstream, broadcast network series like Body of Proof, Family Law and the soon-to-end House – means serving two masters: art and commerce. And, yes, it can be done, Kaplow insists. Kaplow hopes to explain how, at a seminar for aspiring writers Sunday, May 6, in Vancouver at Simon Fraser University. The seminar will cover such practical areas as pitching story ideas, script development, story structure, the politics of the writers’ room, and how to deal with notes from the studio and network. Read more.