King, Showcase – “Wendy Stetler”
In the wake of Scott Spivak’s suicide-by-cop, Jess King is working hard to pin the Lake Road murders that were impossible for Scott to have committed, on his Uncle Tim. When a sex trade advocate threatens to put the case back on the front page, the pressure is on Jess and her team to wrap up the investigation and give the families of the victims some closure. Meanwhile, Danny is spiraling out of control, and both his career and his marriage are in serious jeopardy. Can Jess take the necessary steps to save their marriage – and does she want to?

I’m so glad this show has been cancelled. It’s just godawful.
Personally, King is one of my favourite shows on right now, Canadian, American, or British. Great cast, interesting characters (and character dynamics) and well paced mysteries. And though this could prove to be the series’ finale, as far as I know, no decision against a third season has been made yet. This is simply a “season” finale, not necessarily a “series” finale.
No, it’s been cancelled.
Nothing’s been officially announced one way or the other, but with the abysmal ratings it got this season, it’ll be a miracle if it gets renewed for another season.
I liked the show last year, and liked it more this year. Rossif Sutherland and Karen Robinson were good additions to the cast (especially Sutherland).
Told you.