From Jaime Weinman of Maclean’s Magazine:
Come on, Tatiana Maslany plays the entire female cast: Can Orphan Black beat the sci-fi curse to win an Emmy?
Can Canadian actress Tatiana Maslany get an Emmy award nomination for Orphan Black? When the first season of the show aired earlier this year, the answer would have seemed to be no: Major awards don’t go to series about women cloned from the same genetic material. “Our show is a little weird and a little bit niche, and that’s what I love about it, but it’s definitely not for everybody,†says Maslany, who has played seven different clones so far and may have more to come. But recently, there’s been what Ivan Schneeberg, co-president of the show’s production company, Toronto-based Temple Street Productions, describes as “a groundswell of support for her.†Maslany won best actress at the recently established Critics’ Choice Awards, beating out better-known actresses such as Claire Danes—and various critics and celebrities, such as comedian Patton Oswalt, are calling for Emmy nominators to recognize her work. “The showrunner of Lost is writing about it,†Maslany says happily. “People with industry cred are backing it. It’s awesome.†Continue reading.