From Ashley Csanady:
If you’re already sick of all the chatter about the fourth season of Lena Dunham’s Girls, which won’t even air on HBO until January 2015, the Canadian television gods are offering an antidote.
The cure is Mohawk Girls, and it looks like Sex and the City had a baby with a Joseph Boyden novel produced by Shonda Rhimes.
The characters are all strong, Cosmo-clutching women looking for the answers to life and love, all within the tight-knit setting of reservation life. Continue reading.

I just watched all the videos in the above link for this show and now I’m excited for it. Great title, likeable and relateable looking characters, great setting, can’t wait to see it. Hopefully it’s not really like Sex In the City. I HATED Sex In the City, found the characters on that show annoying and detestable and the storylines empty. This show, luckily doesn’t really seem like that–they’re probably just using the comparison (hopefully) to attract viewers. I am curious though about the episode order. I read somewhere that Seasons 1 and 2 would both air this fall/winter one after the other. I think APTN does a fantastic job making quality Canadian content considering their budget and it might just be my favorite Canadian channel/network because it follows its mandate and really works hard to be a voice for Aboriginal people.
I’m really looking forward to this too. Diane will be previewing the first episode on Nov. 25. What did you think of the first episode of Blackstone?
Haven’t watched it yet. That one I have to wait till the kids are in bed cause of all the swearing and stuff and last night I went to bed right after they did .