Mohawk Girls, APTN“Dating Mohawk Style”
– Worried about her lack of a sex life with Butterhead, Caitlin hatches a plan to keep him satisfied. Anna struggles with her Mohawk status and what it could mean for her and Thunder. Having a hard time finding Mr. Right in the city, Bailey finds a way to speed up the process. Zoe takes a tentative first step in her quest for kink.
“Bridesmaidzilla” – Maid of honour Zoe is going to make sure everything is perfect at her cousin’s wedding, even if it kills her… and everyone else. Caitlin realizes how much her dad and Butterhead have in common. Bailey jumps between city life and rez life, trying to figure out where she belongs. Anna is pressured to up her game in order to keep Thunder.
Blackstone season finale, “There Will Be Blood,” APTN
The drilling proposal divides Blackstone, but brings the Stoney’s together. Victor’s integrity is questioned. Andy seeks revenge.