From Christy Spratlin of The TV Junkies:
Rookie Blue’s Travis Milne brings Saving Hope to the dark side
“I don’t want to spoil anything, but I’m excited for you to see what happens. There are some doubts though for sure. There is a lot of charisma to Tom that I find very interesting. I always like to bring a little bit of myself into all of the characters that I play in order to make them more authentic, and I feel like I did that with Tom. I loved being on Rookie Blue, loved it. I did that for seven years, but it was nice to play something a little different. It was like I stepped into another uniform. From a cop to a convict. From blue to orange. Hopefully next I’ll do a stint as a firefighter and then I’ll do some doctor show and that’ll be that for the next 10 years.” Continue reading.