Link: Mississauga actor Timothy Lai lands role on City’s Second Jen

From Chris Clay of the Mississauga News:

Link: Mississauga actor Timothy Lai lands role on City’s Second Jen
“Most of them were like a foot shorter than I am. But, the audition went really well and I had them laughing. I think I felt slightly more comfortable auditioning because I thought there was no way I was going to get the role.” Continue reading.


3 thoughts on “Link: Mississauga actor Timothy Lai lands role on City’s Second Jen”

    1. No, but it’s a good start, and will hopefully give Rogers the information they need to make a decision on a second season. Blood and Water, while a drama, got eight episodes of Omni and Between was just six on City. But Sunnyside and Young Drunk Punk were 13 episodes each.

  1. I wonder what Citytv’s expectations for this is. To me, Citytv is the Canadian equivalent of the U.S.’s CW network, national yet lower viewer numbers. None of their comedies have done well that I can recall bit it’s been a continuous swinging door for at least 5 years. I like that this show airs with The Mindy Project as it’s a similar young female demographic but Mindy only did about 250,000 an episode.

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