From a media release:
Shaftesbury extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of Paul Pope, the beloved Executive Producer of Hudson & Rex and President of Pope Productions. Pope passed away suddenly on the morning of April 14, 2022. He was 63 years old.
“The news is truly shocking,” says Christina Jennings, Chairman and President, Shaftesbury. “Canada has lost an amazing producer, a force in Newfoundland. Paul has been Shaftesbury’s partner on seven shows for over 15 years. Most recently, we teamed up on Hudson & Rex. Paul was a wonderful man. A spirited human. He loved life and knew how to live it. Paul will be sorely missed by his wife, Lisa, his two sons and all of us here at Shaftesbury.
Based in St. John’s, NFLD, Pope was a dynamic force in the Canadian film industry, having produced or worked on hundreds of films. A founding member of the Newfoundland Filmmakers Cooperative (NIFCO), where he served as president for over 20 years, he has been instrumental in the development of a vibrant production industry. A generous mentor, he was a passionate voice for independent production at a national level with a long-standing tradition of supporting Canadian artists and ensuring that Canadian stories were brought to the screen.
In addition to his numerous awards and nominations for his projects with Pope Productions, he also received the Arts Achievement Award from ArtsNL, the Douglas James Dales Industry Builder Award, and an honorary Doctorate from Memorial University. Pope served on the board of Resource Centre for the Arts and NIFCO and has previously served on the board of the Canadian Media Producers Association and was Vice-Chair of the Canadian Media Fund.
About Pope Productions
Pope Productions is a St. John’s based media production company, helmed by producer Paul Pope. The company’s most recent television projects are the fourth season of Hudson & Rex for Citytv, which is now seen in over 100 territories worldwide and Departure Season 3 for Global. The company’s features and MOWs include the CBC comedy A Christmas Fury and festival favourites Hunting Pignut, Beat Down and Grown Up Movie Star, which scored a Special Jury Prize at Sundance for Tatiana Maslany. Documentaries include It’s Mental, Heavy Weather Presents, the multi-award-winning My Left Breast, Legends and Lore of the North Atlantic, and Going the Distance. From the historical dramatic miniseries Above and Beyond to the classic comedy Rare Birds, and the outrageous series Drunk and on Drugs: The Happy Funtime Hour, Pope’s rich repertoire reflects its deep commitment to a vibrant production industry both in Newfoundland and nationally.

We really enjoy Hudson and Rex. Losing the EP, Paul Hope, is a tragic loss. rip.
We love the show “Hudson & Rex”. We look forward to watching the show even when the show is pushed to a later time.
I hope that the show will continue.
I’m sorry to hear of loss Paul Hope. I hope that Hudson & Rex will continue as it’s a good Canadian show plus it show us a good look at Newfoundland. I live in B.C and I really enjoy seeing some of Eastern Canada. My sister sends me pictures from Nova Scotia where she lives.
Hudson and Rex is a high quality production. My sympathies to the familly for their lost.
Hudson & Rex brings joy to me weekly. Sympathies to Paul Pope’s family and friends.
Hudson and Rex je moja naj najljubša oddaja .Spremljam jo že od prve epizode ,pa do zadnje epizode.Ta oddaja je po mojem mnenju namenjena tudi otrokom starejšim od deset let.Tudi jaz oddajo spremljam že od 10leta in mi je s tem tudi zelo prirasla k srcu. Zelo zelo bi bilo škoda da bi se zaklju?ila????????????zato sr?no upam da se oddaja nadaljuje ????????????.To bi bilo fantasti?no.In seveda upam da se bodo v že kar peti sezoni oddaje vrnili tudi moji najljubši liki-Joe,Jessie,Charah,Charlie in pa seveda tudi naš veliki prijazni pes Rex ki je meni kar najlepši pes na svetu????????????????.No hkrati pa tudi izrekam iskreno so?utje Paulovi družini oz. najbližjim,vsem njegovim prijateljem in seveda celemu Shaftesbury ker je bil res eden od najboljših producentov v Kanadi????.Seveda pa upam da na njegov stol?ek pride še en dober kanadski producent in naj naredi še mnogo sezon (vsaj 20)Hudson and Rex.Mi gledalci pa seveda držimo pesti ?? za novo 5.sezono.Za na konec pa si še priznajmo da sta Charah and Charlie briljanten par.Na koncu 4.sezone smo videli da sta spoznala da sta za skupaj v 5.sezoni pa upajmo da bo poroka in to kar na policiji????.
galdakao qieiero soi police `por favor qiero estar trabajar
1131 b biskia españa
Right now i have watched re-runs because i love it so….I can see now that it is on City tv…My only wish is i want to giv4e Rex a big HUG….