TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 2089
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

The Unbearable Anxiety of Being Ken Finkleman

From John Semley of Toronto Life:

  • The art of self-defence: the unbearable anxiety of being Ken Finkleman
    Good Dog’s reality-show-within-the-show eventually recedes (the network passes on George’s idea), but only after its premise has taken root. Instead of watching a show about a guy making a show about a guy living with a woman half his age, we’re now watching a show about a guy living with a woman half his age. That matryoshka doll meta-ness is a hallmark of Finkleman’s work—it instantly recalls The Newsroom, which for three seasons between 1996 and 2005 mapped out the machinations of an evening news show modelled after and shot at the CBC. Read more.


Shannon Jardine guests on InSecurity and Endgame

From Matthew Liebenberg of the Nipawan Journal:

  • Shannon Jardine to appear in two new television roles
    First up will be her role as the Crazy Nurse in an episode of the new CBC action comedy ‘InSecurity’ that will be airing on Tuesday, March 22 at 8:30. “I play a pretty psychotic nurse,” she said. “I tend to play a lot of different characters but I don’t think I’ve played anyone crazy before.” Read more.