Robson Arms: The Complete First Season – ON SALE NOW! Buy the DVD online at or pick up a copy at your local Walmart, Best Buy, Future Shop, HMV or Rogers Video.
Every Saturday night, settle in and watch a whole hour of Robson Arms!
Tune in to The Comedy Network at 8:30pm ET/PT then switch to CTV at 9pm and watch the latest episodes of Robson Arms back to back.
This week …
New episode “Texas Birthmark” airs Saturday, 21st on CTV at 9pm ET/PT (check local listings).
Lonely, depressed, and sleep deprived, Bobbi struggles to care for her newborn baby. The freezer is busted and her breastmilk is melting, Bobby is out of town again and the baby is looking awfully yellow. After a visit from an oddly empathetic refrigerator repairman, Bobbi, as if waking from a dream, makes a decision that may change the course of their lives.
“Mussolini and Me” airs Saturday, April 21st on The Comedy Network at 8:30pm ET/PT (check local listings).
ONLINE TREATS this week!
Check out all the new Goodies on the ROBSON ARMS WEBSITE at
Bloopers… click here… and deleted scenes from “Lizard of Doubt” … click here are new this week.
A new Troubadours song is online now – “That Picture Again” is a musical sneak peek at this week’s new episode “Texas Birthmark”… watch here.
Robson Arms’ Gabrielle Miller, who plays “Bobbi” talks to Executive Producer Gary Harvey about the development of her character, and working with babies in the season 2 finale “Texas Birthmark”… click here .
Hey Neighbour! Click here to check out all the web-based episodes featuring advice from some of your favourite Robson Arms tenants.
You can catch up on any and all of the season 2 episodes you have missed. They are available now on The CTV Broadband Network at and on
Watch all of ROBSON ARMS SEASON 1 available now on demand on The CTV Broadband Network at