From a Citytv media release:
Jacqueline from Vancouver is the Second Girl Eliminated From “Canada’s Next Top Model”
Episode Three Airs Wednesday, June 13th at 8:00pm on Citytv
Jacqueline, a student from Vancouver, became the second girl eliminated on “Canada’s Next Top Model”, reducing the pool from nine girls to eight.
In Episode Two, the girls get makeovers! Steff gets a more dynamic wedge cut, Tara gets a long, wavy weave and Rebecca loses some length, but gains a head of fire-engine red hair. Jacqueline’s hair is lightened, Tia has copper extensions put in, while Mo’s ‘do’ is given some volume and colour. Cori’s hair goes ‘Gisele Bundchen’ and Gina’s girl-next-door blond is cut and changed to a dramatic brown. Sinead gets the most drastic change of all with an ultra-short Natalie Portman cut.
Fresh from their makeovers, the girls try out their new looks in front of the camera. Surprisingly, Rebecca is the girl who cannot deal with her new look. Even though Sinead had the most chopped off, she does extremely well, exuding the most confidence and winning the secret ‘confidence’ challenge. Clearly, the competition has begun and Sinead is the girl to beat.
At this week’s beauty photo shoot, the girls must pose with various sea creatures. None of the girls are overly comfortable, but Steff has a meltdown when she discovers they want to put an octopus on her head. Like a true pro, Sinead takes on the challenge and rises to the occasion. Tara’s shot is fierce, even with a crab on her head. Rebecca deals well with the eels, but Gina’s calamari shot is lacking and so is Mo’s seaweed photo. Tia rocks her high fashion 80’s style eye shadow and a crayfish choker. With a lobster on her head, Cori looks beautiful but Nolé still thinks she needs some work. And even with simple snails on her head, Nolé knows Steff’s photo will be flat.
At elimination, the judges think Mo has improved and Tia’s shot is a work of art. Sinead’s photo is amazing, Cori’s shot is compelling, but shows her lack of confidence. Tara’s photo is good but not dynamic enough and Jacqueline’s shot is bland and emotionally frozen. Steff, who was in the bottom two last week, only shows marginal improvement.
Finally, it comes down to Steff and Jacqueline. Because the judging panel decides that Steff has more hidden potential, it is Jacqueline who is sent home.
Next Week ….It’s Double JAY-Pardy as a familiar face to “Model” viewers stops by!
Episode three of “Canada’s Next Top Model†airs Wednesday, June 13th at 8:00pm on Citytv. Catch repeat broadcasts on:
ASN, Wednesdays at 9pm AT
ACCESS, Fridays at 8:00pm MT
Star! Saturdays at 10:00pm ET/7:00pm PT
A-Channel, Sundays at 7:00pm ET/PT
FashionTelevisionChannel, Sundays at 8:00pm ET/5:00pm PT
Canada’s Next Top Model will walk away with a $100,000 beauty contract from P&G Beauty, a modelling contract with top agency Sutherland Models and they will be featured in an editorial spread in FASHION Magazine.
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