From CBC:
- Slings & Arrows victorious with big wins at Gemini gala
“Slings & Arrows, a Movie Network show about the goings on behind the scenes of a fictional Shakespearean theatre festival, nabbed four major awards at the Gemini gala in Regina on Sunday.” Read more.
From Tim Cook of the Canadian Press:
- ‘Slings & Arrows’ scores at Geminis
The series’ stars — and real-life husband and wife — Paul Gross and Martha Burns picked up the awards for best performance by an actor and actress in continuing leading dramatic roles. The show won the Gemini for best drama last year and Gross won the best actor award for his role in the show in 2004. Read more.

Congrats to the Gemini winners.
Was it just me or was this year’s telecast especially… racy? There were many a swear word and vulgar gesture thrown around. And I’m PRETTY sure that Miriam McDonald said, and I quote, “yeah, like, what the fuck?” in her award presenting bit. Have the rules for ‘f’ words in the 8pm hour suddenly become relaxed?