From Theresa Taylor of Sun Media:
- ‘The Week the Women Went’ wraps up
“What does it take to get more than a million viewers to tune into the CBC? A reality TV program about a bunch of bumbling boys in small-town Alberta. The Week the Women Went, a reality/documentary style program about how men cope when all the women are sent away, wraps up tonight.” Read more. - Dads debunk stereotypes
“Reality TV/documentary programming at its best — who doesn’t want to watch a bunch of bumbling males attempt to survive one week of life minus their better halves? Men are funny no matter where they come from, but there are few places in Canada which garner as many obvious stereotypes as rural Alberta. Those stereotypes usually revolve around beat-up old pick-up trucks, Calgary Stampede debauchery, and a lax opinion of the rules regarding gun-control.” Read more.