From a media release:
Flashpoint Delivers Series High Audience of 1.3 Million in Fifth Week
The two-hour finale of So You Think You Can Dance provided a boost to CTV’s Flashpoint, which delivered a series-high audience of 1.3 million viewers in its fifth week. The two series were the No.1 and No.2 programs on Canadian television last night nationally and in Toronto and Vancouver.
The success story continues for Flashpoint, which has seen growth in total viewers for the past three weeks in a row. The CTV/CBS co-production was once again No.1 in its time period last night, up 7% over last week. Since its premiere on July 11, Flashpoint has grown 74% among A18-34, 63% among A18-49 and 43% among A25-54.
In his widely-read “Programming Insider” column today, MediaWeek’s Marc Berman writes that with Flashpoint’s success, “There is every reason to now believe that the broadcast networks will rely more on quality Canadian programming in the future.”
In next week’s Episode 6, premiering Thursday, August 14 at 10 p.m. on CTV/CBS, Tasha Redford (Sarah Gadon, The Border, The Eleventh Hour) – an awkward 16-year old – is a target of bullies. Distraught and pushed to the limit by her tormenters, it’s up to Jules to talk her off the edge of an eight storey advertising tower. Can Jules get Tasha to trust her before she lets go? Will Jules’ strength be enough to keep this tormented girl alive?

The ‘Flashpoint’ series is excellent. I put it right up there with The Border, Da Vinci’s Inquest and Intelligence and the long running mid-90’s series ‘North of 60’ , I think I’m proud to be Canadian ay.
Thank you, G. H.