From a media release:
- 1 in 750 Canadians dare to tackle the world’s largest obstacle course for a chance at $50,000
- Contestant callbacks begin this month
What do a walrus trainer, a professional bull rider, roller derby girls, beauty pageant participants, CFL/NHL players and Olympic medalists have in common? They are just a few of the astonishing 44,619 Canadians who completed the extensive online application form for the opportunity to appear on TVtropolis’ Wipeout Canada.
Between June 2 and July 1, almost one in every 750 Canadians answered the highly buzzed-about Wipeout Canada questionnaire. With questions ranging from the silly to the serious, applicants submitted their photos and video links, while sharing their stories of adventure and inspiration for an opportunity to win $50,000 and compete on the world’s largest obstacle course.
“We are thrilled that the massive support from Canadian fans during this application process has been so positive and enthusiastic and has generated overwhelming buzz for the series,” said Karen Gelbart, SVP, Content, Lifestyle Channels, Canwest Broadcasting. “Along with our producing partners Lone Eagle Entertainment Ltd., we’re committed to sustaining this energy and momentum as we create a truly Canadian perspective for the series.â€Â
“If the application process is any indication of the intensity and vigor that Canadians will bring to the series, then we all better hold on tight,†said Michael Geddes, Executive Producer, Lone Eagle Entertainment. “Our dedicated team of producers is currently reviewing all of the applications, looking for the most enthusiastic, fun-loving fans to be part of the show, plus those who can also pull off the ultimate victory dance!”
A national shortlist of potential contestants will be contacted for follow-up interviews in the days to come. A total of 260 contestants will be chosen to participate in Wipeout Canada, giving 20 contestants in each episode the chance to conquer the course, ultimately leading to the winner who will earn the episode’s $50,000 grand prize.
Hosted by quick-witted Canadians, Jonathan Torrens (TV with TV’s Jonathan Torrens, Trailer Park Boys), Ennis Esmer (Young People Fucking; The Listener) and co-hosted by Jessica Phillips (Deal or No Deal Canada; Being Erica), production of the 13 one-hour episodes of Wipeout Canada will begin this October on the iconic set, promising to provide the most spectacular and often painfully hilarious spills, face plants and, of course, wipeouts.
For exclusive news, interviews, contests and behind-the-scenes footage and photos, fans are encouraged to join the official Wipeout Canada Facebook fan page at www.Facebook/
Wipeout Canada is slated to premiere on TVtropolis in the spring of 2011. The Wipeout format is licensed to Lone Eagle Entertainment and is distributed in Canada by Disney and internationally by Endemol, a leading producer of television programming specializing in reality and non-scripted genres for network and cable television. The Canadian format will air on TVtropolis – joining an already robust lineup of hit reality shows including Hoarders, Parking Wars, Runaway Squad, and Wife Swap UK.
50,000 – Dollar amount of the grand prize for each episode
44,619 – total number of Wipeout Canada applicants
260 – number of Wipeout Canada contestants (yet to be selected!)
67 – number of questions on the Wipeout Canada official application form
30 – number of days Wipeout Canada application process was open (June 2 to July 1)
20 – number of contestants in each episode
4 – number of rounds of competition in each episode: Qualifier, Sweeper, Dizzy Dummies, Wipeout Zone
4 – average number of hours entrants spent online, filling in application, submitting photos and uploading a personalized video
1 – The most common answer to application form question, “How would you use your Wipeout Canada winnings?†Take a vacation
1 – The wackiest answer to application form question, “How would you use your Wipeout Canada winnings?†Pay for my cat’s hysterectomy

Wipe Out Canada won’t be good unless you pick some one from Trenton Ontario.
lol trenton u mean the base?????
and sall bought t-dot
also we need nufies to make it really halarious
when is the next wipeout Canada? I would have applied if i knew about it, please let me know about the coming one
The Westest Coast must be on…On me common…It’s the westest you can go. So er ah pick Tyson Touchie! Wooo Hooo $50 g’s here I come! oh I mean pick some one from Ucluelet BC! (ME!)
i would have tried out if i knew about it. but i guess im to late.
I am super bummed that my boyfriend and I did not get to apply!!!! We would have loved to enter. Maybe they will do another show here and take more??? I hope so!
I wish i would of known about this my boyfriend and I would of tried out, you need some people from the North, Thompson Manitoba. When are the next auditions for canada?
i wed love to be on wipeout
seriously when i saw da conercial i craped mysefl and tried to apply but couldnt whynt?? idk but i know i would rock dat track so hard
wtf i just found out about wipeout canada is there anyway i can still apply? i want $50,000
I just found out about WipeOutCanada today and my bf wants to compete, but I went on and saw that it closed in July for applications, which isn’t fair. Is there any way that people can still apply for when they come or is there going to be another opportunity????
I just found out about WipeOutCanada today and i would like to know Is there any way that people can still apply for when they come or is there going to be another opportunity????
thanks patsy botbyl
Yea it would have been nice to see advertisements for the audition itself. Talk about a missed opportunity. I guess you need to be in the ‘know’, just imagine how many applicants there WOULD have been had there been advertising.
Too bad, my bf is totally interested and would have done damage!
I just found out about WipeOutCanada today i would like to know Is there any way that people can still apply for when they come or is there going to be another opportunity and how will we know
My dad is a carpenter and he work a lot and he says he’ll take us to disney world if he wins. My dad nickname is hurricane I think it because he’s crazy Please. Prity please please
Im from LONDON,ONT.Wipeout is a tv show that makes me laugh and there is not to many of those shows these day’s! WIPEOUT RULES!
I would apply if the show comes back to CANADA.
please let me be on your show i a big fan
iam just wondering if i filled all the lines and hoping i’ll be picked :}
please can u contact me if i filled all the props right 4 the show and lines thank u WIPEOUT KANATA
please contact me to be on the show ill give u my all please
hi, i would love to enter your wipeout competition. please give me a shot and i’ll give it my best shot.
When will the applications be available for WipeOut Canada? I would have applied for this episode if I knew sooner.
WipeOut Canada, and i wasnt contacted, u guys dont know what your missing, i have been waiting to be on this show and im confident that you guys will get back to me, you want ratings, ill give you ratings please dont leave out the ones that could really use this opportunity, i look forward to hearing from you soon, thanks for your time//
WipeOut Canada,
I would love to be a contestant on your show. I’m a college student who is taking police foundations and know i have the skills and physical ability to really do well on the show. i also have a great advantage because im 6 foot 2, which is way above average. im an outgoing person who is always the life of the party. im exactly what you have been looking for!
hope to hear from you soon
just to let you know i intend to send a message to the ethics commissioner of canada protesting the way that this show degrades the national anthem of this country i am a veteran and am very proud of both the national anthem and the royal anthem and i do not believe it is legal to use either for commercial purposes . also to let you know that the national anthem o canada was not intended to be played in the degrading manner that you use in your advertisements i am sure that you have insulted many veterans in this great country and i for one will not watch and my family feels the same way
I really wanted to apply but it said no glasses, though i heard later they changed it to see well enough without to go through the course.
I hope there will be a 2nd season so I have a chance to apply, and watch the craziness on tv if i dont make it.
wipeout canada should give people in canada more time to apply, b/c i would of when for it b/c i know it would be alot of fun,,lol
wipeout canada should give people in canada more time to apply, b/c i would of when for it b/c i know it would bin alot of fun,,lol
Wipeout canada Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys didn’t pick my brother who applied last year. Plz let me give it a try.
mother of two needs money!!
LOVE your show!!!
id like to know when is the next application is coming out !
Oh right i didnt even leave a comment, but ahh i so want to be on the show so bad, i would be a blast to have on it, i would rock it and i would be entertaining at the same time!!! :D
I want the next round dates…I managing & training him for 6 months…ply send info on entering…thx
Hey what’s up Wipeout Canada, I would love to be part of your show and truly entertain my country in style. I am 20 years old and I love watching your show, all your contestants cannot handle the obstacle courses you guys give, I am your man and I will win without a doubt if I am given the opportunity. Montreal Quebec for the win baby!!!
Wipeout Canada is good unless you pick some one from Pembroke, Ontario.
Hi, Wipe out Canada
I wanted to sign both my brother’s up on your show they are just hilarious and comical and would be interesting seeing them on your show.
Every time we watch your show they talk about, oh I can do that, Yeah right LOL.
But they believe they can do every obstacle on there and it would make more then just their newphew’s and my day. My oldest brother owns his own company and my other brother works for him and to have all his employee’s to sit back and watch. Would make everyone’s day.
They always talk about coming on and being a contestant , they have asked me to sign them up, but I can not seem to be able to find your application page.
It would be even better to go surprise, they actually are able to take you as contestants. They are physically fit to be able to join if that another need to join the show.