New tonight: Durham County on HBO Canada – “Family Day”

Spoilery episode description below:

When Mike learns that Ivan¹s wife Katya is still missing and her credit cards have gone unused for 5 days, he brings Ivan in for questioning. Ivan reveals that Katya confided in her brother that she is having an affair and that she is probably shacked up with her new boyfriend. Mike decides to keep things friendly with Ivan and play the game to get more insight. Meanwhile, Ivan is slowly coming apart and confronts Miro about Katya. Over at the station, Sabina brings in evidence found at the McHalphie¹s residence ­a Chinese pendant necklace and some gay pornography. Mike suspects a Chinese gang is to blame for the murders at the train station. Back at home, Audrey, who has just learned of Sadie¹s pregnancy, offers to help Ray Jr. get a job at the hospital while Sadie continues her undercover work. Sadie ignores orders and ends up at the loft of David Cho­ the Chinese drug trafficker paying off the young drug runners and gets an unexpected surprise. Mike and his partner Samuel hit another dead end with Ousmene and his driver, who still won¹t reveal their boss¹ name. As Ivan comes to terms with Miro¹s manipulations, Mike discovers, a startling connection between Miro and Ivan.
