New tonight: The Ron James Show on CBC with Al Sapienza and Linda Kash

100820 RJS studio e3 Food 020The Ron James Show: Friday, November 12 at 8 p.m. (8:30 p.m. NT) on CBC-TV

In this week’s episode of The Ron James Show, comedian Ron James puts the spotlight on family and traditions as he takes modern marriage to a whole new level and Aunt Vivian is poorly received at a wedding. Meanwhile, L’il Ronnie gets an unexpected visit from a larger than life guest and Larry Garibaldi reveals his well-built plan for the makers of harmful chemical additives. All this, plus Ron pays a giant-sized tribute to Thunder Bay in his latest Ode to the Road.

Guest Cast: Al Sapienza (The Sopranos), Linda Kash.


One thought on “New tonight: The Ron James Show on CBC with Al Sapienza and Linda Kash”

  1. Working with Ron was on of the most fun experiences I had in a long time. He is a talented very intelligent very informed man.

    Al Sapienza

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