From Bill Brioux at TV Feeds My Family:
- CBC will be in double jeopardy without Jeopardy
Stewart says her Canadian shows have reached the point where they can stand on their own and don’t need Yankee lead ins. The day after it was reported that she said that, Dragon’s Den shed 700,000 viewers week-to-week in Canada thanks to Wednesday night’s two hour season premiere of American Idol on CTV at 2,878,000 overnight, estimated viewers. The good news for CBC was that Republic of Doyle stood relatively firm in week two at 944,000 viewers. Read more.
Wow, when somebody doesn’t do their job well they usually get fired. Kristine Steward doesn’t even do it well she does it terribly! One bad decision after an other. It is all about the numbers don’t kid yourself. The fact she’s still in power at the CBC makes my skin crawl. BOOO BOOOO!!
Well said Dani. The only person earning their keep at the CBC is the PR person. If you believe their self-congratulatory press releases, you’d think that Stewart et al actually know what they’re doing.