From Craig Takeuchi and Michelle da Silva of the Georgia Straight:
- Canadian spring TV: Endgame, Health Nutz, Homewreckers, and more
This spring’s crop of Canadian TV shows and specials offers a lively mix of familiar faces and new titles, and boasts everything from home renovation rescues and gay weddings to vampiric babysitters and…big balls? Read more.

Hi, im Nikita Goodreau and im onlie 10 years old and i know in realy young but i enjoy watching the show wipe out but i think it could be realy fun if you can try and maybe succed on making a wipe out show for ypoung at least 9 to 13 to play so that it is fun for us to instead of whatching adults playing and its just are tern to play now.
PLEAS TRY YOUR BEST!!!!!!!!!here is my emale plaese send a coment back about this.
how can I apply?
The course looked lame, not enough challenges.
What about Ontario we like a good challenge as do many of our other provinces. Some of the contestants made us look bad here in Canada. We do have class as well eh?