New tonight: Flashpoint on CTV – “A Day in the Life”


image001New recruit Raf (Clé Bennett) is a young diamond-in-the-rough recruit who tells it like it is. Strong yet soft spoken, Raf can get along with anyone, a valuable skill when the team’s goal is to keep the peace.

In Friday’s all-new episode, “A Day in the Life”, (August 12 at 8 p.m. ET on CTV), Team One responds to three separate calls on Valentine’s Day: a suicidal father, an enraged knife-wielding mother, and a delusional gunman going to violent extremes to prove his love. The Team’s resolve is tested as they confront these increasingly dangerous calls, and their newest recruit Rafik “Raf” Rousseau (Bennett) learns that being a member of Team One will be the toughest challenge of his life.


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