From Scott Stinson of the National Post:
- Surprise CanCon hit Bomb Girls returns for a second shift with high hopes and new nuance
The canteen at Victory Munitions is empty and quiet. A poster promoting war bonds is on the wall. Michael MacLennan, one of the executive producers of Bomb Girls, suddenly arrives for his interview on a scooter. A manual-powered scooter, like the kind kids use, but adult-sized. It’s one of the best ways to traverse the expansive set in Toronto’s southwest end. Between the bomb factory floor, the office area, the hospital, the nightclub, various residences, not to mention all the parts of a television production that never appear on camera, the Bomb Girls set, all housed in the shell of a 1940s-era furniture factory, would wear out a lot of shoes if you walked it. Thus the scooter. Read more.