Monday: Seed, Bomb Girls

20130331-203800.jpgSeed, City – “Rebel Without Lamaze”

As a former nerd, Rose (Carrie -Lynn Neales) worries that her Lamaze class will be high school all over again. Fortunately, Harry (Adam Korson) thrived in high school and is ready to help out. Meanwhile, Anastasia (Abby Ross) plans for her own school’s formal, while Jonathan (Matt Baram) and Janet (Laura de Carteret) try to capture the few parent-child milestones they have left. Plus, Michelle (Amanda Brugel) and Harry realize that they dated the same woman years ago.

Bomb Girls, Global – “Fifth Column”
While out with the girls, Gladys finds herself a magnet of unwanted attention – first from a mystery man and then from an overly-curious redhead who questions her about the factory.
Meanwhile, in a bid to get closer to her daughter, Lorna enlists Kate to volunteer with her at Sheila’s hospital; and Betty’s budding relationship with Teresa intensifies.
