The upcoming CTV sitcom Spun Out is starting to book audiences for show tapings. The series stars Dave Foley, Paul Campbell, Darcy Michael, Al Mukadam, Holly Devo, Becky Dalton, and J.P. Manoux. All tapings are on Fridays at 6pm at Pinewood Toronto Studios in Toronto.
If you are interested please email with the date and number of tickets.
Taping dates are:
- Friday May 3, 2013
- Friday May 10, 2013
- Friday May 17, 2013
- Friday May 24, 2013
- Friday May 31, 2013
- Friday June 7, 2013
- Friday June 28, 2013
- Friday July 5, 2013
- Friday July 12, 2013
- Friday July 19, 2013